Endorsements for Ferocious Love

“Latimer’s  experience when she encountered the Father’s love could only be described as a love that is as ferocious as the Lion she so beautifully portrays in her paintings! I’m convinced that for anyone who reads this book—will themselves experience the hope and restoration as they encounter God’s ‘Ferocious Love’.”

— Scott Beard, Pastor - FountainGate Fellowship

“Her story draws me deeper to the Father’s heart with His great love immersing me through every part of my being and in every situation.  The Lion of the Tribe of Judah emerges from her ashes with a mighty roar!”

— Amy Black, Director - Gold Monarch Healing Center

“As you read her book, you will understand her passion to reach the world with the message of God’s love. Latimer knows and lives each day in this ferocious love and you will be deeply impacted as she shares both the joy of the mountaintop experience and the sorrows and pain of the deep valleys.”

— David Black, Pastor & Director - Gold Monarch Healing Center

“Latimer Bowen uniquely and beautifully shares her life story of God’s FEROCIOUS LOVE! You will be encouraged by the amazing stories in this book and Ferocious Love will quickly become one of your favorites.”

— Steven and Camilla Charles, Senior Leaders - Bethesda Church of Lindale

“The vulnerability expressed in this book captured my heart and reminded me that there is no heart so broken that Jesus cannot heal. Not only is this a story of healing and restoration it is a picture of what is to come! It’s raw! It’s real! And it is JOY!”

— Chuck Farina - Senior Leader of New Hope Church, Leadership team of 1-Kingdom

“So, who’s ‘ferocious’? Certainly God–the Lion of Judah, whose ‘eyes roam to and fro over all the earth’; for hearts committed to Him–was ferocious in His pursuit of Latimer. However, Latimer has been equally ferocious in obeying His call! Ferocious Love is an inspiring must read, no matter where you are in your walk of Faith.”

— Jennifer Hatley, Founder/Director - Christian Ministries in Africa, Nairobi

“Latimer shares so deeply and vulnerably how God has worked it all for her good. His victory becomes our victory when we let Him do the work in our hearts, minds and relationships. May you read this book and be encouraged to consider your own timeline of life and look for God's hand behind the scenes.”

— Cindy Hatcher, LPC, LMFT - CEO, Revive Leadership International, LLC

“Ferocious Love is evidence of a great love story. This book will change so many who want their heart to be in total alignment with His….and for those who don’t know him yet….wow, just wow, what an epic adventure they are in for when they see this anointed portrait pull them in.”

— Jill Hellwig - CEO, Brand New U Coaching

“ Latimer is a vibrant storyteller. Her vulnerability is refreshing and inspiring as she shares wisdom and encouragement. No matter what you have been through or going through, I cannot recommend this book enough.”

— Amber Higgins - CEO, Ten Four Films

“Her journey that is laid out in this book, Ferocious Love, is her story of how God makes diamonds out of coal. God takes the remnants of ash and turns it into something beautiful. Get ready to be inspired with this book I recommend to you as you hear the process that turned this woman into a passionate lover of Jesus and people.”

— Dr. Rodney Hogue - Rodney Hogue Ministries

“ Part biography, part poetry, all heartfelt and hard won spiritual gold nuggets that the reader is happy to glean from- this book is a delight to read, and a touchstone to draw closer to our loving God. I highly recommend this book!”

— Lara Landon - Recording Artist, Worship Leader, Author

“This book, Ferocious Love, is a must read, destined to be a classic, and the “first of many”.  If you need bright shining hope in the middle of your difficulties, you will find it here!  This is a page turner, brimming with drama and exciting possibilities.  Probably should be a movie. ”

— Keith Luker - Psalmist Revivalist

“ In this book, Ferocious Love, you will find personal testimonies and revelation that brings enlightenment and understanding to God's nearness, faithfulness and extravagant love. Latimer is one of the most gifted artists, teachers, mothers, and communicators we know. We believe this book will become a source of encouragement and insight for countless number of people, you're invited to be one.”

— Dr. Norm and Angel Poorman - Founder United Rescue Alliance & Children's Dentistry of Abilene

“No one I know personifies the ferocious love of God more than Latimer Bowen. The heartfelt stories and practical insights she shares in Ferocious Love will encourage and inspire you to live the abundant life God intended for you. I highly recommend this book! ”

— Matt Tommey - Author, Artist & Mentor

“ Ferocious Love brings together the challenges of the broken life of a little girl and the full-hearted surrender to Jesus and His revelations. I highly recommend this read, as you read listen to God, He’ll speak His word and will bring healing and overcoming in your life.”

— Jase Wilson - Minister of God in Israel

“This book is for anyone who feels a longing to overcome their personal pain and loss, for those who have lost hope to become the embodiment of their personal vision, and for those who simply feel called to release art into the world. Latimer is an artist first and foremost in all that she does. As I read Ferocious Love I began to realize. Latimer is at it again! It’s not just a  book. It’s a work of art! ”

— Sammy Vale - Founder of Take This City Inner Healing Initiative, Author of “First Aid MWE What Everyone Needs to Know About Healing The Mind, Will, and Emotion”, & Artist