Latimer Bowen is an internationally known artist, prophetic speaker, writer, and painter.

Unafraid, bold, and in collaboration with the Holy Spirit, Latimer only paints what she sees and hears, bringing the visions of heaven to earth through each stroke of the paint brush. The words she speaks release creativity and strategic insight. As a revivalist, ordained minister and conference guest, Latimer offers prophetic insight into what God is revealing today. 

Extending hope and healing, Latimer’s testimony is an epic tale of God’s goodness and ferocious love. She serves the body of Christ regularly at her home church, in restoration ministries, creative conferences, workshops and missions around the globe.

Latimer is the Founder of Project 7 Billion, a global collaboration of believers offering the love of Jesus to everyone on earth through an encounter with the Lion of Judah. At the time of this printing, over 90 million people around the world have encountered this image of the Lion of Judah. Latimer and her late husband, Don, are parents to 3 children and 8 grandchildren. 

Yippee! Amen! Hallelujah!!!

Book Latimer to Speak and Paint at Your Next Event